Sunday, July 20, 2008

Batman: The Dark Knight

All hands down, this is the best movie I have seen in 2008 so far. And probably one of the best I've seen ever. Heath Ledger without a doubt stole this movie with this flawless performance. He literally took The Joker to a whole new level, reinventing the character to look much more realistic. Now I'm not even a big fan of the Batman series or the movies, I haven't even seen Batman Begin's. But with Ledger's performance as the Joker made this movie a instant classic. This is exactly how the Joker should be portrayed, everything was right on the dot when it came down to the green haired man with deadly jokes. I have to say I was disappointed with the way they brought 2 Face into the picture, I thought Aaron Eckhart played the role of Harvey Dent perfect. But when it came to the transition of turning into 2 Face, I didn't think he seemed to into the part. I expected much more thirst of vegance to come out of the character of 2 Face. Christian Bale who played the Batman did a good job. But I can't say this how I imagined Batman to be played, the only thing I thought was different and good would be the fact he tried to disguise his voice when he talked. He was much more into the Batman role then any other Batman played. But anything else, I felt it had already been done. This movie really takes you through the mind of a criminal who doesn't think with his wallet but only through his ethics, he takes what he needs, uses everything to the full extent, and always leaves with a bang. The Joker made this movie worthwhile and its worth every penny.